Aerobic Biodigester Research
Project 2022
Fortis BC is the province's largest energy supplier. They proudly deliver renewable energy, natural gas and electricity to 1.2 million customers in 135 BC communities, and 58 First Nations communities across 150 Traditional Territories.
Fortis BC is dedicated to a low-carbon, renewable energy future, that can be seen reflected in their Clean Growth Path Way to 2050. They are working hard to support BC’s clean energy future with a range of energy solutions that includes harnessing power from our hydroelectric facilities, expanding our supply of renewable and low-carbon gases, and investing in innovative, energy-efficient technologies.

Our Fall 2022 program ask students to evaluate alternative methods for heating anaerobic digesters that eliminate or substantially reduce the use of natural gas or biogas.
Over the course of 14 weeks student groups worked together to develop a solution that would meet Fortis BC's criteria. Students participated in lectures, workshops and discussions that were tailored to renewable energy, thermodynamics and economics. At the end of the program, each group presented to a panel of professionals including Joey Broda,the Fortis BC program coordinator and Renewable Gas Engineer, Ann Makosinski, a Canadian inventor, Kelly Knight, the Victoria Hand Project COO, and Andre Deleebeck, an Engineering Consultant for Bear and Brook Consulting.
By participating in this program, students will gained valuable skills in problem-solving, critical-reasoning, presenting, time-management. They also gained knowledge on biodigester, thermodynamics, resource-management, structural analysis and SolidWorks. Students also showcased their creativity and innovativity. All our programs are designed to provide professional experience and networking opportunities.
If you would like more information regarding future program, considering joining our email list or following us on social media. Both are linked at the bottom of the page.

Gallery of WESTxFORTISBC 2022 Showcase Event

Gallery of WESTxFORTISBC 2022 Showcase Event